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Rosemary Kennedy 100 years birth childlike innocence unseen letters JFK



Rosemary Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy’s oldest sister, Rosemary Kennedy, would have celebrated her 100th birthday on Thursday.

Now, new unseen letters reveal more about how she was a vivacious and kind young woman prior to being left with a severe mental disability after she was forced to undergo a lobotomy aged 23 by her father Joseph P. Kennedy.

Three years prior the surgery, Rosemary was sent by the Kennedy family to Ireland and England for three weeks in 1938 where she was placed in the care of a young Irish woman named Dorothy Smyth.

When Rosemary Kennedy left, she decided to keep in contact with Smyth and wrote letters about her time in Europe.

The tone in her letters to Smyth often were childlike and ‘innocent’, according to Kate Larson, who is the biographer and author of The Hidden Kennedy – a book which discusses in depth about Rosemary’s life along with other Kennedy family members.

‘The letters are important because they reflect Rosemary as much younger, intellectually, than her 20 years and that she had a full life and her family included her,’ Larson told People. ‘They were written before Rosemary’s lobotomy and they reveal the loss more acutely.’

Rosemary Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy’s oldest sister, Rosemary Kennedy, would have celebrated her 100th birthday on Thursday.  Rosemary is pictured above center in 1998 being escorted by two women at a facility where she lived in Wisconsin  

President John F. Kennedy’s oldest sister, Rosemary Kennedy, would have celebrated her 100th birthday on Thursday. Rosemary is pictured above center in 1998 being escorted by two women at a facility where she lived in Wisconsin  

New unseen letters now reveal more about Rosemary being a vivacious and kind young woman prior to being left with a severe mental disability after she was forced to undergo a lobotomy aged 23 by her father Joseph P. Kennedy. She is pictured above right as her mother, Rose stands center and her sister Kathleen stands left while they leave their London house to be presented at court 

New unseen letters now reveal more about Rosemary being a vivacious and kind young woman prior to being left with a severe mental disability after she was forced to undergo a lobotomy aged 23 by her father Joseph P. Kennedy. She is pictured above right as her mother, Rose stands center and her sister Kathleen stands left while they leave their London house to be presented at court 

Three years prior the surgery, Rosemary was sent by the Kennedy family to Ireland and England for three weeks in 1938 where she was placed in the care of a young Irish woman named Dorothy Smyth. When Rosemary left, she decided to keep in contact with Smyth and wrote letters about her time in Europe. The tone in her letters to Smyth often were childlike and ‘innocent’, according to Kate Larson, who is the biographer and author of The Hidden Kennedy – a book which discusses in depth about Rosemary’s life along with other Kennedy family members. Rosemary is pictured above right next her sister Eunice in an undated photo

Three years prior the surgery, Rosemary was sent by the Kennedy family to Ireland and England for three weeks in 1938 where she was placed in the care of a young Irish woman named Dorothy Smyth. When Rosemary left, she decided to keep in contact with Smyth and wrote letters about her time in Europe. The tone in her letters to Smyth often were childlike and ‘innocent’, according to Kate Larson, who is the biographer and author of The Hidden Kennedy – a book which discusses in depth about Rosemary’s life along with other Kennedy family members. Rosemary is pictured above right next her sister Eunice in an undated photo

Smyth died in the 1960s, but her family kept the letters for years according to her nephew, Michael Fisher who described the letters to People as holding a ‘childlike innocence’.

‘When you read the letters or look at the pictures of her going to a ball in London in a formal dress when she was introduced to society and then you reflect on her lobotomy,’ Fisher added to People. ‘That is the story of Rosemary.’

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Smyth’s family returned the letters to the Kennedy family in the 1990s.

Larson is delivering a talk and book signing to commemorate Rosemary’s birthday at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site in Brookline, Massachusetts today.

It was revealed in Larson’s book that when Rose Kennedy went into labor with Rosemary at the family’s home in Brookline, Massachusetts, only a nurse was present to assist her.

The obstetrician who was called to supervise the delivery was running behind so the nurse forced Rose to keep her legs together and stop pushing. When that failed, the nurse reached into the birth canal and held the infant’s head inside for two hours until the doctor arrived at the family home, according to excerpts from Larson’s book.

It’s suspected that Rosemary was deprived of oxygen and left with possible brain damage as a result of what occurred during the labor process.

While she was growing up, her parents realized that she was developing slowly compared to other children in her age group.

Rose wrote in her 1974 memoir that her daughter Rosemary crawled, stood, walked and spoke her first words late.

As she got older, it was difficult for her to perform simple tasks like writing and she was shier than her siblings.

When she was able to begin school, her mother spoke with experts who labelled her as ‘retarded’ – which was a term wrongly used for years to describe a wide range of mental disabilities.

Her parents worked for years to hide her condition, but as she aged it became harder.

When she was aged 11, Rosemary was sent by her parents to the first of many boarding schools for children with special needs. 

When Rose Kennedy went into labor with Rosemary at the family’s home in Brookline, Massachusetts, only a nurse was present to assist her. The obstetrician who was called to supervise the delivery was running behind so the nurse forced Rose to keep her legs together and stop pushing. When that failed, the nurse reached into the birth canal and held the infant’s head inside for two hours until the doctor arrived at the family home. It’s suspected that Rosemary was deprived of oxygen and left with possible brain damage as a result of what occurred during the labor process. Rose is pictured above with her three young children: Joseph Jr., Rosemary and Jack

Rose wrote in her 1974 memoir that her daughter Rosemary crawled, stood, walked and spoke her first words late. As she got older, it was difficult for her to perform simple tasks like writing and she was shier than her siblings. Pictured Joseph and Rose pose with eight of their children. Front Row (L-to-R), Patricia, Rose and Joseph Kennedy, with baby Edward, Rosemary, Eunice, and Kathleen. The rear row is John, Jeanne, and Robert

 When she was able to begin school, her mother spoke with experts who labelled her as ‘retarded’ – which was a term wrongly used for years to describe a wide range of mental disabilities. Her parents worked for years to hide her condition, but as she aged it became harder. The Kennedy family is pictured above left to right: Edward, Jeane, Robert, Patricia, Eunice, Kathleen, Rosemary, John F. Kennedy, Rose Kennedy and Joseph P. Kennedy

At age 19, her father was appointed the US Ambassador to Great Britain and the family moved to London where she attended a convent school.

It was during this period she began to gain weight, which was not acceptable by her father who wrote to her school about it and said: ‘She is getting all together too fat and I told her in no uncertain terms.’

When she reached her early 20s, Rosemary was deemed unmanageable by her parents since she had grown into a beautiful young woman.

Her father had begun to focus on his sons’ political careers around this period and felt that Rosemary could damage the family’s name if she fell pregnant.

In an effort to gain more control over her, Joseph spoke to his wife about a new experimental brain surgery known as a lobotomy. But upon looking into the procedure, their daughter Kathleen Kennedy said: ‘It’s nothing we want for Rosie’. 

However, Joseph disregarded her advice and went ahead with procedure for Rosemary without telling anyone including his wife.

Rosemary’s nephew, Timothy Shriver, wrote in his 2014 book Fully Alive: Discovering What Matters Most, that the ‘chilling’ procedure involved doctors cutting into the brain while the patient was still conscious and only stopping once the patient could no longer speak.

When she reached her early 20s, Rosemary was deemed unmanageable by her parents since she had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her father had begun to focus on his sons' political careers around this period and felt that Rosemary could damage the family's name if she fell pregnant. In an effort to gain more control over her, Joseph spoke to his wife about a new experimental brain surgery known as a lobotomy. Rose was against it, but Joseph forced Rosemary to undergo the procedure secretly. Rosemary is pictured above center, Eunice is pictured left and Jean is pictured right

When she reached her early 20s, Rosemary was deemed unmanageable by her parents since she had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her father had begun to focus on his sons’ political careers around this period and felt that Rosemary could damage the family’s name if she fell pregnant. In an effort to gain more control over her, Joseph spoke to his wife about a new experimental brain surgery known as a lobotomy. Rose was against it, but Joseph forced Rosemary to undergo the procedure secretly. Rosemary is pictured above center, Eunice is pictured left and Jean is pictured right

After the procedure, Rosemary couldn't speak and 'lost independence for the rest of her life,' according to her nephew. Joseph sent Rosemary away to a facility where she was hidden from her mother and siblings for years until he had a stroke in the 1960s and they discovered the secret of what happened to her. Eventually she was taken out on visits by her family members until her death in 2005. She is pictured above left next to her sister Jean

After the procedure, Rosemary couldn’t speak and ‘lost independence for the rest of her life,’ according to her nephew. Joseph sent Rosemary away to a facility where she was hidden from her mother and siblings for years until he had a stroke in the 1960s and they discovered the secret of what happened to her. Eventually she was taken out on visits by her family members until her death in 2005. She is pictured above left next to her sister Jean

He wrote: ‘The outcome, in Rosemary’s case, was devastating.’

Her mobility was damaged, she couldn’t speak and ‘she lost her independence for the rest of her life,’ Shriver wrote.

Rose later claimed that her husband, who refused to visit Rosemary after the procedure due to his guilt, did not reveal that she underwent a lobotomy for 20 years.

‘The code of secrecy kicked in and Rosemary disappeared,’ Shriver wrote.

The Kennedy family traveled to Wisconsin to visit Rosemary for the first time in 1961 after Joseph suffered a stroke.

Rosemary Kennedy was being escorted by two nuns and broke away into a sprint to lunge at her mother and screamed at her. Her siblings also reportedly didn’t know what happened to her and thought she worked as a teacher and lived in the Midwest until that visit.

Her siblings visited her often and she was occasionally taken on visits out of the facility.

She died on January 7, 2005– the first of Joseph and Rose Kennedy’s children to die from natural causes.  


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Where does Ron DeSantis stand on critical issues?




Ron DeSantis on the economy

Ron DeSantis is a strong advocate for the economy, and he believes that the government should do everything possible to help businesses and entrepreneurs succeed. He has a proven track record of creating jobs and growing the economy.

As Governor, Ron DeSantis is committed to making Florida the best state in the nation to do business. He has slashed taxes and regulations and is working to make Florida a global hub for innovation and job creation.

Under Ron DeSantis, Florida’s economy is booming. The state has created nearly 400,000 new jobs since he took office, and unemployment is at a historic low. Florida’s economy is on track to become the third largest in the nation, and Ron DeSantis is working to ensure that everyone benefits from this growth.

Ron DeSantis is a strong supporter of the military, and he believes that Florida should be a leader in defense and aerospace. He has worked to make Florida a hub for these industries and is committed to protecting our military bases and creating high-paying jobs for our veterans.

Ron DeSantis is also a strong supporter of the space industry, and he believes that Florida should be a leader in this growing sector. He has worked to make Florida a hub for space exploration, and he is committed to creating high-paying jobs for Floridians in this industry.

As Governor, Ron DeSantis is committed to making Florida the best state in the nation to do business. He has slashed taxes and regulations and is working to make Florida a global hub for innovation and job creation.

Under Ron DeSantis, Florida’s economy is booming. The state has created nearly 400,000 new jobs since he took office, and unemployment is at a historic low. Florida’s economy is on track to become the third largest in the nation, and Ron DeSantis is working to ensure that everyone benefits from this growth. 

Ron DeSantis on taxes

Florida’s new governor, Ron DeSantis, has clarified that he wants to cut taxes for Floridians. In his first State of the State address, DeSantis proposed a $1 billion tax cut package that would include eliminating the state’s sales tax on commercial leases and reducing the state’s corporate income tax rate from 5.5 percent to 3.5 percent.

DeSantis has also proposed eliminating the state’s motor vehicle registration fee and doubling the homestead exemption for homeowners. If approved by the Legislature, these tax cuts would take effect on July 1, 2019.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks at the Republican Jewish Coalition Annual Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 19, 2022.

In addition to these proposed tax cuts, DeSantis has also called for a review of the state’s tax code to identify additional ways to cut taxes. He has directed the Department of Revenue to conduct a comprehensive review of the tax code and to make recommendations on how to make the tax code more efficient and effective.

The Department of Revenue’s review is ongoing, but DeSantis has already clarified that he wants to see additional tax cuts for Floridians. In a recent interview, DeSantis said he would like to see the state’s sales tax reduced from 6 percent to 5 percent and the corporate income tax rate reduced to 2.5 percent.

DeSantis has also said he is open to eliminating the state’s income tax altogether. While this would be a significant tax cut for Floridians, it is unclear if the Legislature would be willing to go along with such a proposal.

In any case, DeSantis is committed to reducing taxes for Floridians. With the state’s economy booming, now is the perfect time to provide tax relief to Florida families and businesses.

Ron DeSantis on healthcare

Ron DeSantis, Florida’s new governor, has clarified his healthcare stand. He has said he wants to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. He has also said that he supports expanding access to health insurance through tax credits and health savings accounts.

DeSantis has also said that he wants to increase transparency in healthcare pricing, and he has proposed a plan to do just that. His plan would require hospitals and other healthcare providers to post their prices for common procedures online. He has also said that he supports capping out-of-pocket costs for patients.

DeSantis has also said that he wants to increase mental health and addiction services funding. He has proposed a plan to do this, including increasing funding for community mental health centers and creating more inpatient beds for those with mental health and addiction problems.

Clearly, Ron DeSantis has thought about healthcare and has some definite ideas about what he would like to see changed. He will be a governor to watch on this issue in the coming years.

Find the latest Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis news, who is running for president in 2024. DeSantis, a Republican, was first elected as governor in 2018 and handily won reelection in 2022. He has made himself a national brand in part by hammering on social issues, including cracking down on what he dubs “woke” practices.

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UK 49s Hot Ball And Cool Number 2022 (Predictions, statistics)



Many believe that winning the UK49s Lottery could be possible. Unfortunately, most people don’t have luck. There is hope for those who can think and take a look at the UK49s Predictions. hot numbers for lunchtime today.

Other people believe that teatime, lunchtime, and afternoon lottery numbers are visible. The numbers are drawn according to a time period.

You can lose everything you bet on! You must be responsible and not lose more than what you can afford.

Some believe that the lottery offers a chance to win because draws are susceptible to sudden and unpredicted changes. However, there are those who believe that the lottery draws are often scrutinized and redrawn as a result.

Hot Numbers

Hot numbers are the numbers that were recently drawn and aren’t expected to be seen in a long time. Here is a list.

Hot balls:

5, 41 30

Cold Numbers

A cold number can be a lotto which hasn’t had to be scored in a significant time period. You can take advantage this rare opportunity by using the chart 3 quick stats to quickly find out important information about cold or hot numbers. By comparing HITS to other EXPECTED Hits, you can immediately determine if the quantity has dropped or increased.

cold balls:

13, 10, 34

How do you pick the most lucky numbers to win?

Numerological numbers can be drawn in a similar way to the numbers 26 16, 41, 32, and 28. 26 is one possible number that was drawn more frequently than the ball with 66 the lowest common number. It’s possible this is due the increase in the number of balls.

UK 49 Hot Numbers and Cold

Many people believe that the lottery may be unlucky. Everyone doesn’t have the same luck. They have the chance if they use their brains to trust both the hot and the cold balls. Contrary, those who don’t believe in lottery numbers can have them drawn again after a certain time.

UK49s Cold and Hot Numbers

It is possible to lose everything if you gamble! Always gamble responsibly, and don’t place bets that are too high-risk.

It is why people have a curiosity to examine the numbers to determine which numbers are frequently drawn and those that make an occasional appearance. This is why I will answer one of most commonly asked questions about the hot/cold ball of the 49s Lottery.

How do you find a number for a cold ball?

Lottery draws often have numbers that repeat themselves over and again. Certain numbers are more rare than others and they don’t appear in exact draws. The cold ball could be a number from a lottery that has not been successful over the long-term. To find out more about UK49’s hot and cold numbers, use the quick Stats. Comparing individual Hits to expected hits. Expected Hits

This will enable you to immediately determine if the temperature has dropped or increased from the norm.

How do I find the most recent Ball Numbers

It is known that the numbers that appeared on a draw recently and won’t be seen for a long time are hot.

Many people believe that it is possible to predict the outcome of the draw over time using hot numbers or balls. These are the methods that many UK49s gamers use to choose their numbers. These types of strategies can also be very effective if used correctly.

The ideal scenario would not have any relationship between number occurrences.

Which number is the most popular reward ball number?

There are three most commonly spotted bonus numbers in the UK: 737, 47 9, 11, and 38. Eight, which has appeared 32 times, is the most frequent number in U.K. Lotto.

The reason is that each draw can be considered an individual event. It is interesting to be able to identify the hot and cold numbers. I am sure that our system allows you to do the same for other lottery games.

The curiosity to observe the results is what makes it so interesting. This will answer most of your questions regarding the hot or cold teatime results.

What is the cold number?

Lottery draws often have numbers that repeat over time. Some numbers are extremely rare, and they rarely repeat themselves in any given draw.

Cold balls is a lottery ticket that has not been profitable for a significant time. You can use the easy Stats tool to see details about hot and low numbers. You can also compare actual numbers with the expected hits.

This will enable you to instantly find out if the number is hotter or colder than usual.

What are the Hot Ball Numbers

Numbers that have been drawn recently are not expected to be drawn again. They are called hot number.

Many people are obsessed about forecasting the future. They draw using hot numbers and hot ball. These methods are popular among gamers in the UK49s. They help them choose their numbers to draw. We also believe this type of game can be played extremely efficiently, if used correctly.

The ideal scenario would not have any relationship with the number numbers that will be drawn later because of the results of previous drawings.

What are the most commonly used numbers in bonus balls?

Some most popular bonus ball numbers, which were used on U.K. lotto numbers in October 2014 include 7 37, 47 9, 11, as well as 38. The U.K. lotto has seen the number eight 32 times.

This is because each draw. It is still fascinating to be able to identify the numbers that are both hot and cold. I’m certain our system can allow you to do the same for other lottery games.

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When is the Best Time to Visit Dubai?



When is the Best Time to Visit Dubai

Are you planning to explore Dubai? There’s a reason why more than 15 million people visit Dubai each year. When is the best time to visit Dubai, though? And what should I know before I plan my trip? Here’s how to decide when is the best time to visit Dubai.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about visiting Dubai.

When Is the Best Time to Visit Dubai?

When planning a trip to the UAE, there are several factors to consider. Continue reading to learn about the best places to visit in Dubai, as well as the rules for visiting.


Dubai is generally hot and dry all year, with some minor variations from month to month. This could be one of your factors in determining the best month to visit Dubai.

The hottest months are April to October, with July and August being the hottest, with temperatures reaching 41°C. The high humidity (due to its location in the Persian Gulf) at this time is also something to consider.

Because there is extensive air conditioning in hotels, shopping malls, and all indoor venues, the type of vacation you seek will also influence the time of year you can visit. Temperatures in November and March are slightly cooler, but still sunny and pleasant, ranging from 28 to 31°C.

Temperatures reach a high of 26°C between December and February. December and January have the highest average rainfall, but it is still very little (7 to 8mm).


The majority of the rules for visiting Dubai do not apply only during certain times of the year.
However, due to the nature of these rules, you may need to take the weather into account further.

For example, it is critical to dress appropriately in public. This entails wearing clothing that reaches your knees and covers your shoulders. Given the high temperatures and potential discomfort of wearing long clothing in the heat, this is something to consider.

Other aspects of Sharia law to remember are that public swearing and loud music are prohibited.


The best time to go sailing in Dubai is during the cooler months of December to April.
However, September to November is also a good time to rent a yacht in Dubai.

It is also possible to participate in a variety of watersports, such as jet-skiing, banana boating, and even parasailing. Fishing trips are generally available between November and May, and tuna, snapper, and other species can be caught!

Even on hotter days, cruising and sunbathing on the deck before it gets too hot is a great activity. On the other hand, what could be more romantic than an evening sunset cruise?!


The Dubai calendar is filled with a variety of events. If any of these appeal to you, it may influence your decision about when to visit Dubai.

  • Dubai Shopping Festival in January
  • Jazz and Food Festivals in February
  • The Al Marmoom Heritage Festival takes place in March.
  • Ramadan (April-May)
  • July to September – Surprises in the Summer
  • Saudi National Day is celebrated in September
  • August is the Islamic New Year
  • Dubai International Film Festival, UAE National Day, and Emirates Independent Day are all celebrated in December.

The Dubai Shopping Festival is a massive event that is a must-see for both shopaholics and families. There are numerous promotions, attractions, and celebrations going on. Finally, the ‘weekend’ in Dubai occurs on Thursday and Friday, rather than Saturday and Sunday. As a result, all businesses are open on Sundays, whereas Friday is considered a holy day of the week.


When planning your vacation, keep the cost of your vacation in mind. The earlier you book your flights and accommodations, the lower the prices will be. Hotel prices do not typically fluctuate significantly throughout the year. The cheapest months are May and June, when temperatures are at their highest and crowds are at their lowest. Discounts are frequently available during this time, making it an ideal time for budget travellers to visit.

Meanwhile, the most expensive months are October and November, when the weather warms up and visitors flock for a winter vacation.

When Are You Going to Visit Dubai?

We’ve now gone over the various factors that influence the best time to visit Dubai, so you can start planning your next vacation. Whether the weather or a specific event is important to you, a trip at any time of year will not disappoint.

Also Read – How to Find Best Photographers for Your Event

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